Name: "Universal Superstar" Anaquin Adams Age: 36
Location: announced as "From the Four Corners of the Universe" Height: 5'10" Weight: 177 lbs.
Alignment: Tweener leaning Face Wrestling Style: Technician
Picture Base: None Theme Music: "Zombies" by Bad Wolves
Championships: 1x HcW Xtreme Champion
Entrance Description: This could be modified for each card, but typically something like this: The lights go out as the big screen lights up with a scene from deep space, plenty of stars flickering as the scene moves. Words begin to fill up the screen as the piano entrance of remake of "Zombies" begins to play by Bad Wolves. "Once in a lifetime A person arrives That changes the universe. And that person For this lifetime Has arrived. Prepare Yourself for" As the rock strains of the chorus hits, the lights come on as "Universal Superstar" Anaquin Adams name hits the screen and a light dusting of golden glitter begins to fill the arena. A hooded figure stands at the top of the ramp, obiously female as she makes her way slowly down the aisle as the music continues to play. Her hoodie is a glittery golden and lights flicker across the surface as she keeps her face hidden as she reaches the steps and climbs up to the ring apron and she walks to the center and looks out at the crowd before she finally pulls the hood back and reveals her face. She's pretty, her long black hair pulled back into a ponytale and her brown eyes twinkling with amusement as she continues to walk around the apron, hitting all four sides and posing before she finally slips inside as the final piano strains of "Zombie" finally fade out and she steps to her corner. She stands there in a one piece, white sport tights with golden trim and her boots are also white, with US on one boot and AA on the other.
Top 10 moves: Belly to back suplex Powerbomb (typically as the opponent runs towards her) Superplex Typical suplex Flatliner Shining Wizard Running High Knee (either in the center of the ring, or into a corner) Back Elbow European Uppercut Running Kneedrop to the Forehead Signature moves Tornado Spinning Backfist (Spinning backfist followed by a second the other direction - this leads directly to her finisher) Somesault legdrop (this is signalled by her when her opponent is fallen and she looks at the crowd and spins her arms before executing the move)
Finishing Move(s): Neptune's Trident - After the tornado spinning backfist, she'll lock the her opponent like she's doing a scorpion death drop, only she'll lift them up like a suplex and drop them like a brianbuster.
Rings of Saturn - Submission. She chicken wings both arms and pulls back, this move occurs when her opponent is prone, face down.